Starter Zone
Nurbianta, S.Pd.I., MAEd., M.Pd. et. all
Mochamad Abrorrudin
Siti Fauziah Novianti
Desain dan Layout:
Tim STIT Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb
Allright reserved ©2023
Hak cipta dilindungi undang-udang pada penulis
Cetakan Pertama, September 2023
Jumlah halaman:
vi + 94: 14,5 x 20,5 cm
CV. Kamila Press Lamongan
Jalan Ahmad Yani Ds. Tlanak RT. 004/RW. 003
Kec. Kedungpring-Lamongan 62272
Email: kamilapresslamongan24@yahoo.com
WA: 0813 3094 4498
what this book contains:
This book was created by students of TBI VI to fufill the take if intructional and material Desig Course. This Bock consists of basic materials to train chilft children’s English skill, starting from reading, speking, adn axercises.
Equipped with visual image that are suitable for children, this book can be a fun teaching material for kids.